Electric Picnic Loyalty Tickets


Applications for the 2025 Loyalty Scheme are now closed.


Electric Picnic 2025 will take place on 29th August – 31st August, at Stradbally Hall, Co. Laois.


The deadline to register for the 2025 Loyalty Scheme was 12pm, Friday 9th August 2024. No registrations will be accepted after this point. ⏰😊


New registration is required in order to access loyalty codes for Electric Picnic 2025 – even if you have received a code in the past.


loyalty scheme registration logo infront of a picture of the electric picnic main stage

What is the Electric Picnic Loyalty Scheme?

We have teamed up with Ticketmaster to offer you the chance to purchase tickets for Electric Picnic 2025 at a discounted price as a way of thanking you for returning to Electric Picnic.

If you are successful, you will receive a loyalty code for you to use to purchase a discounted ticket to Electric Picnic 2025.

There are 2 discounts available and they apply to the following:

  1. If you have purchased tickets to any 3 or more previous Electric Picnics
  2. If you have purchased tickets to 1 or 2 previous Electric Picnics

How Do I Register?

To register for a loyalty code for EP25 all you need to do is to follow the application process detailed below.

Please note: if you did not purchase one of your previous Electric Picnic tickets from Ticketmaster directly, you will not be eligible for the Loyalty Scheme.

Deadline for Registration:

The Electric Picnic Loyalty Scheme registration is open from 12:30pm Wednesday 31st July 2024, until 12pm Friday 9th August 2024.

Any registrations received after the deadline will not be counted.

Requirements for Registration

  • New registration is required in order to access loyalty codes for Electric Picnic 2025, even if you have received loyalty codes automatically from Ticketmaster for Electric Picnic previously.
  • You must be 18 or over to register and use this Loyalty Scheme.
  • You must have purchased a ticket for a previous Electric Picnic before.
  • Ticketmaster must be able to verify you through your email address therefore it is essential you register using the same email address as your previous Electric Picnic ticket purchases.
  • You must have purchased an Electric Picnic ticket directly from Ticketmaster to be eligible for the Loyalty Scheme.
  • There is a 2 ticket limit per code.
  • A loyalty code or request for a loyalty code does not guarantee a ticket purchase to Electric Picnic 2025. Tickets are sold on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Please note that loyalty codes are subject to availability.

What happens next?

  • If you have been found to be eligible to receive a loyalty code, you will receive an email before 1st September with your code.
  • Please review our Terms and Conditions & Eligibility Terms of the Loyalty Scheme.
  • Please ensure to check all spam / applicable folders in your email.
  • To ensure you receive notification of your loyalty code, add no-replymarketing@email.ticketmaster.ie to your safe senders list.
  • The email will contain your link to purchase and your unique loyalty code to access tickets.
  • The loyalty scheme (and use of loyalty codes) will end at 11.59pm Monday 30th September, or in the event of a sell-out of the allocation, whichever comes first.

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