Eco-Friendly Festival Travel: Arrive to stradbally more sustainably! πŸƒ

As the excitement builds for Electric Picnic, it’s time to get planning your travel! A significant portion of an event’s carbon emissions can be related to travel to and from the event.

By using the buses provided, you can make a huge difference. One typical bus can save using up toΒ  50 individual cars! Even better, train travel could reduce your travel emissions by up to 80%! Now that’s a big difference.

While planning your epic adventure, why not consider greener transportation options to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable festival experience? Here are some eco-friendly alternatives to driving a car to Electric Picnic:

Cycling & Walking:

Tour De Picnic offers festival goers the unique experience of raising money for charity, whilst cycling or running to the festival, reducing carbon emissions! At the finish line, part-takers will be greeted with one free weekend festival ticket, and lot’s of fun perks like massages, hot tubs and delicious refreshments!

For those living nearby or willing to take on a cycling adventure, consider biking to the festival. Cycling not only reduces emissions but also allows you to enjoy the scenic route to Stradbally Hall.

For the most sustainable option, consider walking to Electric Picnic if you live within a reasonable distance. Walking not only reduces emissions but also provides an opportunity to appreciate nature and build excitement as you approach the festival grounds.

Public Transportation:

Hop on a train, bus, or coach to the festival grounds. Public transportation not only reduces the number of vehicles on the road but also allows you to relax and enjoy the journey without the stress of driving. Check out dedicated festival transport services that are available, ensuring a smooth ride to and from the event.


If public transportation isn’t an option, consider carpooling with friends or other festival-goers. Carpooling significantly reduces the number of vehicles on the road, making it a more sustainable choice. Plus, sharing the ride with others can add to the pre-festival excitement and camaraderie.

By choosing more sustainable transportation options, festival goers can collectively make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying an unforgettable Electric Picnic experience. Let’s dance, sing, and celebrate responsibly, knowing that we’re contributing to a greener and more sustainable festival community. See you at Electric Picnic!

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